Terms and Conditions of Use

Once you access and navigate this website, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions of use:

1. Website content and Copyright thereon: Texts, images, and other elements present on the Website are provided to visitors / users for informational purposes and personal use only and may NOT be reproduced, copied, transmitted, distributed or republished in any way other than by written agreement from the Holder ATB Water Systems SRL. All content, graphic design, photo materials, video, texts and all elements of this web project are the property of ATB Water Systems SRL and are protected by the Copyright Law.

2. Liability: While we are continually trying to keep the content as up to-date as possible, we reserve the right to publish information with informative content only, disclaiming any liability for any errors that may be caused by accessing the site and viruses and other similar computer events that could be transmitted via web to visitor / user's computers. In other words, ATB Water Systems SRL cannot be held responsible in any particular direct or indirect situation for damages caused by accessing this website or the accuracy of such data.

3. Security: By accessing this website, visitors / users express their consent not to alter, disable, elude or interfere in any way with the security features of this website, such as not to cause any other variations of actions that would cause damage or prejudice ATB Water Systems SRL . In this situation, they will accept to compensate for any damages incurred for all the above-mentioned situations.

4. Other information: If personal information is requested, they will be aim at identifying you with the purpose of being able to contact you or facilitate your communication with you. This information will be stored and processed electronically. ATB Water Systems SRL will keep the confidentiality of this information (according to Law 677/2001 regarding the protection of personal information).

We thus reckon that once you access this website, you have accepted without reservation all of the above and you will comply with them. If there are any questions, concerns or particular situations regarding the access to and optimal navigation of this website, we invite you to contact us. Thank you.

Legal details www.calibrox-products.com website is held by ATB Water Systems S.R.L., with head office in Str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 193B, 550321 Sibiu, registered with the Trade Registry under no. J32/1614/2007, with Tax Registration Number: RO 22466053, hereinafter referred to as ATB.

Responsible with the webpage content: Florian Kestner.

ATB tries to keep this webpage up-to-date all the time and to provide complete and up-to-date information.

This information is completed and updated, as the case may be, without notice of the changes in advance. However, we do not take over any warranty or liability for any errors, omissions or inaccurate information.

This disclaimer of liability is also valid for the links found on our site, which directly or indirectly lead to other web pages. ATB assumes no responsibility for the content of these external pages that can be accessed directly or indirectly from our website.

The content of this page is copyrighted. Full or partial copying or duplication of parts of this webpage is not allowed. This is also true for the photos found on this page. Copyright also prohibits storage of images or graphics found on this page.
